3 Components Of Compelling Real Estate Listings

Ready to put your home on the market? If so, then one of the best things you can do to make the process easier on you is to hire a professional listing agent. Such an expert will be able to help you determine how much your home is worth, find and meet with prospective buyers, and even assist you in writing a compelling real estate listing for your property. Believe it or not, a well-written listing can make all the difference when it comes to selling your home; specifically, a compelling listing will have the three following properties. [Read More]

Should You Invest In Self Storage Rental Real Estate?

If you've ever considered entering the realm of investment rental property -- whether a single-family residence, duplex, or apartment building -- self storage units may be completely off your radar. However, these buildings can be inexpensively constructed and provide a steady stream of income with relatively low expenses. Read on to learn more about how these units can fit into your investment portfolio and what you should consider when purchasing a self storage rental building. [Read More]

Secure Your Home: 5 Steps To Protect Your Home

When it comes to securing your home, you may think that a security system from a place like Star Protection Agency LLC is all that you need. However, home security is actually a two-part system. While installing a home security system is an essential part of home protection, what you do around your home is just as important. Here is a list of the ten most important security measures you can implement to keep your home more secure. [Read More]

Surprising Benefits Of A Secure Storage Unit

If your closets are exploding and your attic or basement are not able to store your Christmas stuff this year, a secure storage facility is the ideal solution. In addition to the obvious benefit of being able to hide your gifts away from curious family members, you can also take advantage of the day after Christmas sales to stock up for gift-giving occasions for next year.  It may seem as if spending a few extra dollars during an already expensive season is challenging, but there are several reasons that doing so makes sense. [Read More]