Things To Remove From Your Home Before An Open House

When you've listed your home for sale, it's an exciting and nerve-wracking time as your first open house approaches. This opportunity for people to extensively tour through your home will hopefully make someone fall in love with what they see — and result in a purchase offer presented to your real estate agent in the near future. In the days leading up to your open house, it's a good idea to not only give your home a thorough cleaning, but also remove a handful of items that won't be helpful during the open house. [Read More]

Real Estate Title Services Involving Partnerships

When you want to partner with another entrepreneur to purchase and occupy the same office building, how does that work? Real estate title services involving partnerships add a new dimension to the property purchasing contract and a special set of requirements. If you are thinking about partnering with someone else to buy an office building, occupy it jointly, and operate your businesses separately, here is what you need to know and consider. [Read More]

Need Funding for Your Real Estate Project? 2 Terms You Should Know When Banks Get Stingy

If you've been searching for a loan to begin or continue the upgrade of a real estate project, you know (or will soon discover) that strict regulations and market concerns have many traditional lenders balking at making new loans to anyone but their best costumers. Even if such loans are made, traditional real estate backers aren't willing to cover 70 percent of your need, and may only be willing to leverage 50 percent of the loan. [Read More]

Five Things to Consider When Choosing a Condo to Use As a Vacation Rental

Owning a vacation property can be very lucrative. It allows you to have a place to visit when you want to vacation and make money by renting it out during times when you do not plan to use it. Use the following guide to learn what factors to look for when choosing a condo to use as a vacation rental. Consider the Location If you want the condo to be a desirable vacation rental, you need to consider its location. [Read More]