Seven Resources You Might Want To Have At A Senior Apartment Complex

When you choose a senior apartment complex, you're making an important decision for your future. That's why you need to look for apartment complexes offering the resources that you want and need. The following are seven resources you might want to have at a senior apartment complex. Ramps and elevators When it comes to dealing with mobility challenges as you age, it's important to have ramps and elevators available to make it easier to get up and down flights of stairs. [Read More]

5 Plumbing Aspects That A Home Inspection Report Should Cover

A home inspection report describes a property's condition at the inspection time. A home inspection should include the following parts of the plumbing system. 1. The Main Water Shut-off Valve The home inspector will identify the location and condition of the main shut-off valve. The inspection is necessary to confirm that the valve is operational. For example, malfunctioning valves can allow water to pass through even when off. All the water in your house passes through the main shut-off valve. [Read More]

What To Look For When Hiring A Vacation Manager

As a vacation rental owner, you're likely juggling the responsibilities of marketing your property as well as managing any issues that arise from guests. This can be a tough task for those who are responsible for working full-time jobs or attending to kids at home. Hiring a manager can help. But what should you look for in a vacation manager? Let's take a look at some important skills. Understanding of the Vacation Industry [Read More]

FAQs About Apartment Rentals and Square Footage

How much square footage do you really need? Apartment rentals come in an array of size options—ranging from micro-studios to spacious luxury floor plans. Whether you're a solo renter, have a roommate, or are searching for family-sized new apartments, take a look at what you need to know about selecting the just-right amount of square footage. What Does Square Footage Mean? You already know the obvious—the more square footage (or higher the number), the larger the apartment. [Read More]