Outdoor Pest Control: How To Keep Raccoons Away

If you live somewhere that raccoons run wild, you are at risk for them coming onto your property to look for food. You may be surprised one night when you find one rummaging through your trash or eating the cat food you left on the porch. They are very smart animals, and know where to find food and other resources. If they are becoming a problem, here are some ways to deter them and keep them away from your home. [Read More]

How To Attract More Termites To Your Home

Do you feel like you don't have enough termites in your life? Does your home just feel empty without these wood-munching insects? You can increase your termite count by giving them things they like. Follow these 3 tips to encourage termites to invade your home. Feed Them! Termites never turn down a meal. Especially when you make it easy for them to get it. If you leave certain items near your home, it will serve as an invitation to all of the termites in your area. [Read More]

How Should You Pay Your Property Manager?

If you've recently acquired one or more rental properties -- or are moving and plan to rent your house out rather than sell it -- you may be considering hiring a property manager to attend to your rental property. Property managers not only help collect rents and arrange for repair and maintenance of the property, but can solicit and screen tenants, prepare lease agreements, and even help you through the eviction process. [Read More]

How To Get The Glue Out Of Carpeting After Arts And Crafts Time Gets Out Of Control

Arts and crafts time with the kids can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, sometimes the fun can quickly become a disastrous situation. When working with glitter, glue and paint, the fun can rapidly spread from the table you are working on to the floor below and tracked throughout your house. If you have a situation in which glue has made its way into your carpet, do not fret – you can get the glue out. [Read More]