2 Things To Ask Yourself Before Buying A Safe
If this is your first time buying a safe for your valuable items, you might think that buying the cheapest safe for sale is acceptable. However, with a rash purchase, you may not get the safe that's right for your needs. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you make the right decision about what safe to buy.
What is Going in the Safe?
One of the first things you need to determine is what exactly you plan to put into the safe. Different items are suited to different types of safes. For instance, if you are storing your will and other estate planning documents, you might want to seek out a safe with an appropriate fire label. Fire labels contain information about the hottest temperature the safe can withstand ("Class") and how long the safe can withstand extreme temperatures ("Hr"). For instance, a Class 350-1 Hr label means that the safe can handle temperatures of 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour.
However, if you are getting a safe to protect jewelry and other expensive items from those who might steal them, you might not choose the same sort of safe. Fire safes are typically not strong enough to resist drills and other tools to get into safes, as their primary function is to insulate. When choosing a safe for expensive items, choose safes that have thicker steel walls and digital combination locks.
Do I Need a Portable Safe or an Installed Safe?
You can get a portable safe or have a safe installed in the walls or floor of your home. A portable safe is probably appropriate for you if your primary reason for getting a safe in the first place is to protect important documents and belongings from a fire or other home damage. Having a portable safe that can be carried with you is a good idea.
However, if you are using a safe to protect expensive belongings from a thief, you might opt for a safe that has to be installed and mounted on a steel plate or set in concrete. This way, a thief cannot just walk away with your safe and figure out how to open it at a later time.
Use the tips in this article to help you make better decisions about what kind of safe to purchase for your home. Be sure to check with a local locksmith, such as Georges Lock & Security Service, for more guidance about which type of safe might be best for you.